Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Catching Up!

Wow! It's been a while since I have been on here, but I thought I would catch everyone up. Matt celebrated his first official Father's Day. We celebrated by camping with his family. We had a great time if you could get past the storms we got Saturday morning and then the humidity that came after the rain. We stuck it out and had a good time, but I think we all decided we were done with camping until it gets cooler.

At the end of June Matt and I went to Branson with Jason and Kate. We had a really good time. We saw a show and went to the Titanic Museum. It was the first time that we had left Kaylee for more than one night, so you can imagine how hard it was for me. Thank goodness for Grandma and Grandpa though, she had a wonderful time.

Now it's July and we are enjoying the summer. We have been swimming several times. Kaylee enjoys swimming just as much as I do! She just lays in her little float and chills. We had a fun filled 4th of July complete with swimming, a Baseball game, fireworks and even a fish fry! Now what more can you ask for?

She is getting so big. I can't believe that she is already six months. I just keep thinking that in less than 6 months we will be planning her 1st birthday. It just doesn't seem right. She gets up on all fours and rocks like she is just winding up to take off. She has only barely moved forward once, but I am sure that is only the beginning. She also stands up for several seconds at a time before falling. It's so funny to see this little girl just standing there on her own. With every milestone it's a little sad and a lot exciting. We are watching our little girl grow up so fast. her favorite thing to do lately is to scream. At first Matt and I thought it was so cute. Now that she has been doing it for several weeks we are beginning to see that it is not "so cute." We are hoping that she gets past that phase rather quickly. Well I guess that is it for now. I will try not to wait so long in between blogs next time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's probably a good thing Kaylee is the only girl on this side of the family cause she would be getting all the lovin'...she's so pretty!!!
I just saw you blog on an email in Suz inbox so I though I would leave you a comment...you can follow this link (www.zachsnow.blogspot.com) to my blog if you're interested.